High quality CBD hemp oil
At Endoca, the production is certified as Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP),which means that our production meets the highest quality standards. We have a very rigorous quality control system in which we use the latest technology devices, making sure that each product is free of impurities and contains the declared value of cannabinoids, which is confirmed by current analyzes.
The production process begins with an individual selection of the highest quality raw material. The goal is to produce the highest quality CBD oil. We use the best hemp plants derived from pure and natural crops in Scandinavia, which are free of harmful pesticides and herbicides. This allows Endoca™ to obtain the highest quality CBD products.
Our raw materials are quality tested to ensure that the highest standards are met. TESTING of CBD oil takes place in our laboratory equipped with the latest technologies. We use a range of analytical techniques to thoroughly examine each batch of our best CBD oil. Ongoing research by Endoca™ with leading biochemists and neuroscientists from around the world will help us further identify the reproducible quality of ingredients and refine our products for further supplementation of your health. For independent evaluation of Endoca™ products, we also use external analytical companies.
Quality tools and passion of the old school
Endoca uses only the best and latest technologies to create safe and valuable CBD hemp products. Quality control is at the heart of our efforts to provide the customer with the best CBD products that nature and science can offer. We adhere to strict GMP standards throughout our production process. Our plants are grown naturally and are not genetically modified. Dried hemp is meticulously, accurately and precisely selected and the crop is harvested gently and dried in the most optimal conditions. Cannabis harvesting in Endoca is carried out by the most dedicated employees using the world's most advanced tools, exceeding those commonly available in public commercial laboratories.
Each series produced in Endoca is thoroughly tested to ensure that our organic products are free of pesticides, herbicides, mold, heavy metals and other contaminants. Endoca uses the most advanced scientific techniques such as the HPLC method, the industry standard as well as advanced nuclear magnetic resonance imaging (NMR) latest technology to monitor the composition of the oil. We are going through this path to make sure that we provide our customers with safe CBD hemp products available on the market.
All CBD products are Endoca tested for quality
Currently, in the cannabis market, there is a general lack of quality control and a lack of standards or objective third parties regulating this industry, even though many people think that this is the case. Different, widely available laboratories have many limitations and difficulties in conducting reliable tests and this happens for several reasons.
We take the quality of our products seriously because it is about our own reputation. The quality of our product must be the best. To achieve it, we invest time and huge resources in quality assurance and quality control. Continuous improvement is our continuous goal to ensure precision, accuracy and repeatability in our approach to agricultural policy and testing.
Our mission in Endoca is to lead by example in the cannabis industry. Our goal is to achieve the gold standard for cannabis analytical testing and quality assurance. We do this knowing that we are raising the bar for quality and sharing the benefits with all current and future users of hemp products. We sincerely hope that all laboratories will raise their standards to increase expectations and achieve better quality for the entire industry. Endoca wants to share its experiences and knowledge through partnership to ensure that the industry delivers on its promises of quality and consumer safety.
Unfortunately, there are many products on the market containing toxins such as pesticides, herbicides, molds, fungi and even dangerous and overlooked mycotoxins. Endoca does not take shortcuts and uses as many tests as are available. We check products for the presence of more than 200 pesticides, heavy metals and mycotoxins. We know that our methods and equipment are world-class. This is verified by independent and certified in the field of good manufacturing practices external laboratories whose services we use.
How to check the certificate of our product? On each package next to the barcode there is a batch number, which is assigned to laboratory analysis.
CBD oil Endoca have the following numbers:
- Batch no: 720 - 3% CBD oil
- Batch no: 706 - 3% RAW CBD/CBDa oil
- Batch no: 691 - 15% CBD oil
- Batch no: 695 - 15% RAW CBD/CBDa oil
- Batch no: 692 - hemp paste 20% CBD
- Batch no: 588 - hemp paste 20% RAW CBD/CBDa
- Batch no: 694 - hemp paste 30% RAW CBD/CBDa
- Batch no: 730 - 3% RAW CBD/CBDa oil
- Batch no: 745 - 15% CBD oil
- Batch no: 746 - 15% RAW CBD/CBDa oil
- Batch no: 737 - hemp paste 30% RAW CBD/CBDa
- Batch no: 760 - 3% CBD oil
- Batch no: 773 - 3% RAW CBD/CBDa oil
- Batch no: 765 - 15% CBD oil
- Batch no: 791 - 15% RAW CBD/CBDa oil
- Batch no: 603 - hemp paste 20% CBD
- Batch no: 756 - hemp pastic 20% RAW CBD/CBDa
Cannabinoid Analysis
The analysis was carried out using the Shimadzu HPLC system equipped with a SIL 30AC thermostated injector, DGU 20A5 vacuum and LC-30AD pump. Chromatographic separation was obtained using the Supelco Discovery HS C18 column (25 x 4.6 mm, 5 μm) RP together with the use of pre column C18 at 30 °C controlled by the CTO-20AC heating furnace. Isocratic elution (acetonitrile : water (0.5% FA) (4: 1)) was used in 30 minutes. The flow rate was 0.8 ml/min. The cannabinoids CBD and CBDA were monitored at wavelengths of 225 and 306 nm, using the SPD-M20A diode detector. The concentration of the standards was 1 mg/ml with an injection volume of 20 μl. Data evaluation was carried out using Solutions Lab software. Quantitative analysis of the studied cannabinoids was assessed using a reference curve for each compound. The calibration range was linear for concentrations from 5 to 500 ng / ml, for CBD and from 5 to 500 ng / ml for CBDA. The retention times of the compounds were: CBDA (RT 9.5 min), CBD (RT 11.1 min), respectively. Hemp extract was dissolved in 1 ml of methanol. Then the solution was subjected to ultrasound for 5 minutes and stirred for 10 seconds. Samples before HPLC analysis were centrifuged at 4800 revolutions per minute and then diluted with methanol to a final concentration of 1 mg/ml.
Terpene analysis
10 mg of homogeneous sample was weighed and dissolved in 1 ml of pentane containing 0.04% decane as internal standard. The sample was placed in an ultrasonic water bath for 5 minutes and mixed. 200 μl of the solution thus prepared was diluted with 800 μL of pentane and analysed by the GC-FID method. Gas chromatography (Agilent HP 6890) with flame-ionisation detection (FID) was used to analyse the terpenes. Chromatographic separation was carried out using the capillary column RRTX-5 w/ Integra-Guard. The injection on the chromatographic column was obtained using a split/splitless dispenser in split mode (1:10). The analysis was carried out under the following conditions: temperature program: from 50 °C to 280 °C (growth of 15 °C/min), the column was kept at temp. 280 °C for 15 min, total analysis time 31 minutes; dispenser temperature 280 °C; transfer line temperature 260 °C; helium flow through the chromatographic column 1mL/min. A 2 μL sample was injected onto the column. The data was analyzed using Chemstation v.D.02.00.275 (Agilent Technologies).
CBD Cibdol Quality Control
Oil 4% CBD
Batch no: A26
Batch no: A25
Batch no: A24
Batch no: A23
Batch no: A22
Batch no: A18
Batch no: A17
10% CBD oil
Batch no: C09
Batch no: C08
Batch no: C07
Batch no: C05
Batch no: C04