Cannabidiol in the form of suppositories

CBD suppositories are a type of fatty, elongated hemp pills containing a rich cannabidiol content and are designed to be introduced rectally or vaginally. The suppository consists of a mixture that melts at body temperature or moisture, after which it releases the active ingredients. These active ingredients are absorbed through the wall of the rectum into the bloodstream. The name suppository comes from the Latin word suppositus, which means "placed below".

If oral administration of CBD is limited by; surgery, vomiting, damaged jaw or throat or it is caused by difficulties in the gastrointestinal tract can be administered rectally CBD. Administration of CBD in suppositories is associated with a faster but shorter effect of active substances.

A pack of suppositories contains 500mg of cannabidiol, 10 pieces or 1 suppository contains 50mg of cannabidiol. For comparison, to get a dose of 50mg of CBD in the oil, you need to give, for example, 10 drops of 15% CBD oil (1 drop contains 5mg).

Suppositories can also be used vaginally, which is a very beneficial and efficient method of use in women, e.g. during menstrual pain. The effect of CBD is then definitely stronger than oral administration.