Laboratory studies carried out over the years have shown beyond any doubt that the beneficial properties of CBD preparations can be successfully used not only by people. This type of specificity also has a positive effect on animals. As a result, among the owners of four-legged pets, there is a fashion for the specifics of CBD for a dog. In the offer of the Hemp Shop you will find various products of this type. Among them, one can point to, for example, CBD oil for a dog. It is a high-quality preparation that has a positive effect on the endocannabinoid system of animals. CBD oil for a dog has an analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect, relieving various ailments felt by the animal. It is also worth reaching for it when the dog has stomach problems. Hemp oil for a dog helps in the treatment of gastric disorders. CBD products for animals can also help treat cancer diagnosed in your four-legged friend. In this way, you will reduce the level of pain felt by him and provide him with high comfort of life.

CBD oils for a dog – are they suitable for use only during an animal's illness?

Contrary to popular belief, cbd for a dog sold by our online store can be used not only when the animal is sick. Nothing stands in the way of properly selected CBD oil for a dog permanently included in the diet of a four-legged dog. Regular intake of CBD preparations for animals perfectly affects the digestive, respiratory and nervous systems of the pet, guaranteeing his health and well-being for many years. Dog hemp oil supports the animal's immune system and stimulates the activity of CB1 and CB2 receptors. It works perfectly on quadrupeds that show symptoms of panic or anxiety. Already after a few dozen minutes after giving the pet the preparation, you will notice a visible change in his behavior. Properly selected CBD for animals will make the dog calm down quickly. CBD oil for a dog is worth applying to the animal, especially in the period around New Year's Eve, when many pets feel anxiety caused by the repeated bang of fireworks.

Why use hemp oils for a dog?

You need to be aware that hemp oil for a dog is not a psychoactive substance. It is a product that does not burden either the digestive system or the nervous system of the animal. Depending on the psychophysical condition of the dog and the individual needs of its owner, CBD oil for the dog can be used daily as a permanent element of the diet, or temporarily in a situation where the dog shows symptoms of the disease. You should carefully observe the behavior of your pet, remembering that, unlike humans, he is not able to directly signal the pain that plagues him. Thus, it is ultimately up to the animal's caregiver or veterinarian to decide whether to start and end the treatment using CBD for animals.

You do not have to worry about the possible legal consequences of buying hemp preparations. CBD oil for a dog cannot be equated with marijuana. Like preparations for humans, it does not contain intoxicating THC. In addition, it is produced not from cannabis, but from industrial. The cultivation of the latter is fully legal in Poland, and the products resulting from them are valued for their health properties. Importantly, this applies to both human and animal oils.

CBD oils for dogs – a wide range in our store

In the Hemp Shop you will find high-quality preparations that you can easily adapt to the individual needs and requirements of your pet. Raw CBD oils for a dog contain various active ingredients, including vitamins, ketones, flavonoids, pigments or flavonoids. You can add CBD oil for your dog to your pet's food or apply a few drops under his tongue from time to time. Of course, the amount of dosed drug should depend on the age of the animal its size and body weight, as well as the level of physical activity.