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Epilepsy is a neurological disease that affects about 400,000 Poles and as many as 50 million people around the world. The vast majority of people are able to lead a normal lifestyle despite the disease, however, about a quarter of all cases are classified as drug-resistant epilepsy. This means that the patient has regular attacks that cannot be stopped by drug treatment. Patients are looking for solutions that could allow them to go through life without fear of attack at the least expected moment. Cannabidiol (CBD) may prove to be an effective form of fighting this type of epilepsy.
To understand the mechanism of action of treatment, it is first necessary to understand the essence of the course of the disease itself. In the case of a properly functioning organism, neurons are responsible for transmitting any impulses. They exchange information by means of electrical impulses. The group of neurons that is responsible for epileptic seizures has impaired bioelectric properties. This means that they are over-stimulated, which results in disturbances in the transmission of impulses, then to voltage, and finally to discharge.
This discharge is manifested by an epileptic seizure, which can cover a small area (most often the frontal and temporal lobes), or expand to the surface of the entire brain. At the moment, epilepsy is an incurable disease, but it can be treated symptomatically, that is, with the use of pharmacological agents that are supposed to alleviate the symptoms of the disease. Unfortunately, a certain percentage of patients (it is estimated that this is about 30%) do not respond correctly to standard medicinal substances.
The myth is that epilepsy is only convulsions and loss of consciousness. It is true that these symptoms occur in most cases (about 60%), but we also distinguish the type of braces, which account for as much as 40% of all cases around the world. The most serious type of epileptic seizure is the so-called tonic-clonic seizure (alternatively: grand mal seizure), which is characterized by symptoms such as:
- body expansion
- progressive convulsions
- loss of consciousness
- foam leaking from the mouth
- cyanosis - unconscious urination
- tongue bite
The above-mentioned symptoms show how difficult and shameful the life of an epileptic is.
For patients suffering from drug-resistant epilepsy, there is some hope in cannabis plants. Already in the 80s of the twentieth century, studies were carried out on epileptics, which were given CBD oil as part of supporting the treatment of the disease.
It was then noted that the substances contained in CBD oil have a positive effect on all types of this disease. CBD not only relieves symptoms, but can also significantly reduce the severity of attacks. Knowing the etiology of epilepsy, it can be easily concluded that the main problem of this disease is the excessive formation of one of the neurotransmitters.
Cannabinoids allow to weaken and even completely eliminate the formation of new neurotransmitters, and thus – inhibit electrical discharges. The human body independently produces endocannabinoids, i.e. cannabinoids produced by the endocannabinoid system. Endocannabinoids include, for example, anandamide, which has a protective function of the nervous system.
Unfortunately, the body does not always produce sufficient amounts of these chemical compounds, so it should be properly stimulated through the use of exocannabinoids, i.e. cannabinoids taken from the external environment (CBD oils). At the moment, the only plant containing this chemical compound is hemp.
The incredibly beneficial effect of CBD on epilepsy has been confirmed three times in double-blind studies. A double-blind study is a type of test in which neither the examiner nor the patient is aware of whether the substance is a medicinal substance or a placebo. It also turned out that CBD not only helps to significantly reduce seizures of one type of epilepsy, but its action has been confirmed with such varieties as Dravet syndrome or Lennox-Gastaut syndrome.
This means that cannabidoids have a beneficial effect on any type of epilepsy and can be used as a prophylaxis for patients of all ages. The administration of CBD can not only contribute to the improvement of the quality of life despite the disease, but it can also return the lost freedom, which epileptics lack the most.
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