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The positive effects of the cannabinoids found in cannabis have been known for a long time. Treating and supporting the human immune system with CBD hemp paste is now more effective and gives faster results. The use of dietary supplements together with the natural ingredients contained in hemp improves physical condition and has a positive effect on well-being in the long term. CBD hemp paste is a concentrate of the CBD component and more effectively fights the effects and symptoms of more severe diseases. What is hemp paste really? We invite you to read!
A typical hemp oil contains an average of up to 15% of the CBD component. Hemp paste produced in another technology allows to obtain a higher condensed value of the CBD component up to 50%. This results in increased and faster effects in proportional units of time. In addition to stabilizing and supporting our immune system, CBD hemp pastes are a natural complement to the ingredients of balanced and healthy eating and a healthy lifestyle.
Hemp pastes do not contain the oil, which is a carrier of cannabinoids. This allows you to get a cleaner and more concentrated natural product. During the extraction of the key component by extracting it from other substances, we obtain a denser form of pure CBD in the form of a paste. It is a thick and dark paste with an intense characteristic herbal aroma and a sticky consistency. Carbon dioxide extraction preserves intact both pure CBD and its acidic form of CBD. In the production process, no heat factor is used, which positively affects the structure and does not change the natural properties of hemp ingredients. In CBD hemp paste there are no chemical components that would contaminate its composition and affect the healing effect of the finished product. CBD hemp paste does not contain the psychoactive substance THC. The concentration of CBD helps our body's nervous and immune systems by interacting with the cannabinoid receptors CB1 and CB2. In addition to the main component of pure CBD, hemp paste also contains other cannabinoids in various concentrations. During extraction from hemp, small amounts of CBN, as well as CBG and CBC , remain in the final product. This has a positive effect on the action and the possibility of using the paste in a larger spectrum of different treatment cases. To a lesser extent, pastes contain aldehydes and nitrogenous compounds and amino acids. And also terpenoids in various forms and a number of vitamins.
Hemp preparations develop with science and their therapeutic properties are improved. The synergy effect obtained through the use of several cannabinoids intensifies and accelerates treatment and recovery during illness and convalescence. CBD hemp paste has a very strong effect and anti-inflammatory properties, supporting the natural immune system. This helps in the fight against disease states and supports the treatment of more severe cases resistant to traditional methods and pharmacological agents. The use of hemp paste together with CBD in another form, e.g. CBD oil, inhalations from dried CBD, capsules or ointments, usually in a shorter time gives positive effects without side effects observed in traditional pharmacological treatment.
CBD hemp paste is most often used in more severe disease states. Good results are obtained in the treatment and alleviation of the effects of multiple sclerosis, in Parkinson's disease, inhibiting and slowing down the development of tumors. Studies have shown that they slow down the spread and migration of cancer cells in the body. Positive results of using CBD in various forms have also been noted in chronic anxiety, rheumatic diseases and asthma or diabetes. Despite the more expensive price, the higher concentration of CBD and the lack of complementary substances in it allows for more effective and effective action.
Taking CBD hemp paste is worth starting with small portions the size of a grain of rice or smaller, three times a day at the same times. This method will be beneficial for our body and will not expose it to too fast habituation of the immune system. The gradual increase in individual amounts is aimed at determining the optimal needed and effective amount of CBD paste. After a period of adaptation, the body begins to cooperate with cannabis cannabinoids and we obtain the correct healing effects and alleviate the symptoms of the disease. CBD pastes are usually taken orally under the tongue or dissolved slowly in the space between the gums. Due to its denser consistency and increased CBD content per unit of volume analogous to oils and other forms of hemp, CBD paste is taken in a smaller amount. Similar properties and relatively cheaper costs of using the paste as an alternative to other forms of CBD give it greater power and effectiveness. Pastes are usually available in tubes with a convenient applicator and capacity scale. They should be stored in dry and dark places.
In recent months, consumer interest in CBD oil has increased significantly due to many online stores offering concentrations in the form of oils; 20%, 30% or even 50% CBD - these are artificially inflated products and do not have much in common with nature. Manufacturers of such oils very often use methods that artificially increase the concentration of CBD in oils (crystal or synthetic).
This is one of the reasons why in our offer you can not find products with such a concentration in this form. In our offer we promote only natural and safe articles that we can recommend to everyone!. High concentrations of CBD above 20% occur naturally only in hemp pastes.
As a store offering hemp products, we try to ensure that the satisfaction of our customers is always at the highest level, which is why only natural products are available in our store.