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By its very nature, medical marijuana is defined by its moisture content. The moisture content varies rapidly depending on the room and packaging in which it is stored. While this is one of the most important aspects when considering how to store medical marijuana, it's not the only factor to consider.
Also think of other consumables, such as food or wine, they have specific parameters that must be borne in mind in order to maintain their consistent quality and freshness.
With that in mind, in this article we present four tips to know when storing medical marijuana safely and practically! We invite you to read.
Medical marijuana should be stored at an ideal temperature to prevent mold from growing. Mold develops at temperatures above 25°C. °, so keep marijuana at a lower temperature. Too much heat can also dry marijuana and damage it, reducing its effectiveness. Be careful to keep the temperature above zero 0°C), as this can also damage the structure of the tops, causing the marijuana to have a weaker effect. Do not store marijuana in the refrigerator; temperature and humidity fluctuations (removal from the refrigerator and repeated insertion) make it susceptible to mold growth.
As mentioned earlier, moisture content is very important when considering where and how to store marijuana. Too much moisture can make it susceptible to mold, and too little moisture will cause it to dry out and weaken the structure of the top. Humidity is expressed as a percentage of relative humidity (RH), and cannabis has a Goldilocks zone of 59% - 63% RH. It is worth taking an interest in this case in buying sachets BOVEDA, which cause the perfect reproduction of the humidity necessary to maintain the high quality of dried hemp CBD. You can buy such sachets in our store!
Keep marijuana away from direct sunlight, the darker it is, the better. UV rays break down THC and CBD. Studies have shown that it is a major factor in the degradation of cannabinoids. This is similar to grass or leaves that begin to turn brown after a particularly sunny day.
Because marijuana's predisposition to require specific temperature and humidity levels, the best way to maintain these levels is to store it in airtight containers. The less cannabis is exposed to oxygen, the longer it will take to degrade over time. If you don't expect to use marijuana for an extended period of time, you can use a vacuum welding machine to maximize the longevity of marijuana. However, no sealant is needed for storage. Although there are many products for storing cannabis, many connoisseurs prefer to use traditional dark jars. They come in a variety of sizes and are an inexpensive option. In our store you can buy such containers without any problem!
There is no exact time for which marijuana can be stored without spoiling. As long as the previous guidelines are followed, marijuana can be preserved for up to two years; although this does not mean that it will be the same top that was freshly hardened. Hemp will degrade over time no matter what. Terpenes and essential oils dry up over time, and THC degrades to the non-psychoactive cannabinoid CBN. If you plan to store marijuana for more than a short period of time, the best way to monitor and control the environment is through measurement and balancing. The hydrometer will give you a percentage of relative humidity so you know if marijuana needs more or less moisture. If you want to invest and forget about guessing, there are products that regulate humidity, such as the previously mentioned products BOVEDA.
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