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Although there are no clinical, placebo-controlled studies published for CBD for the treatment of drug-resistant epilepsy in adolescents and children, the results of a study published in the journal Epilepsy and Behavior, done by Jacobson and Porter of Stanford University, provide new promising results.
The study method involved conducting a survey of parents of children in the United States who used CBD-fortified hemp products to control the disease of drug-resistant epilepsy. Parents used various unapproved CBD preparations to treat children with drug-resistant epilepsy. Nineteen parents gave answers about the effect of CBD on the number of epileptic seizures in their children. Of the 19 children, 10 of them had Dravet syndrome, four had Doose syndrome, one of the children had LGS (permeable bowel syndrome) and the last of them suffered from idiopathic epilepsy.
Sixteen (84%) of the 19 parents reported a reduction in their child's seizure rate when using CBD. Two (11%) of them reported a complete disappearance of seizures, eight (42%) reported a reduction in the number of seizures by more than 80%, and six (32%) reported a reduction of 25-60%. The results of the research after the use of CBD are displayed in the chart below:
Other beneficial effects included increased concentration, better mood, and better sem. Side effects included drowsiness and fatigue.
The study was funded by GW Pharmaceuticals.
These results reflect a 2002 study by Pelliccia et al on a group of 18 children. The International Association for Cannabis as Medicine Congress in the Netherlands found the following encouraging results:
In 2013, there was an increased interest among pediatric specialists involved in the treatment of epilepsy with CBD, in particular in the case of Dravet syndrome. This interest led to a medical conference organized by the New York University School of Medicine on October 4, 2013, titled "Cannabidiol: Potential Use in Epilepsy and Other Neurological Disorders" According to specialists who gathered at the conference, CBD is attractive in the treatment of epilepsy for various reasons: